Prague map

The Prague map shows the most known sights, all metro stations and other significant places. Also, you can find the location of every hotel and apartment in Prague offered by Mary’s. It is powered by Google, so you can use it as standard Google maps.

Please, wait till the loading of the map is over. Till then, read our tips for comfortable usage:

  • The navigation tools in the left upper corner allow you to shift the map in any direction you want.
  • Under these tools you find a tool (with plus and minus on it) for zooming in and out.
  • You can also use your mouse to drag the map wherever you like.
  • When clicking on the pictures a small description about the building or a sight comes out.
  • It can be very helpful if you switch the map to a Satellite or Hybrid view, the buttons are in the right upper corner.
  • If you cannot see the name of a street (usually a smaller streets), you have to zoom in to see it.
  • You can print the map, just click on the “Print” button to proceed.

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